Business Sponsors
Do you realize that a current Yorkville Middle School student could be your employee in the next 5-10 years?
We do.
that is why the Yorkville Educational Foundation (YEF) is supporting Yorkville CUSD 115 as they ensure students are prepared for future success.
The Foundation believes in the power of partnerships. In that spirit, you are invited to step up in support of ensuring that every one of our community’s 7,000 Yorkville CUSD 115 students learn and thrive.
As the nonprofit community partner of Yorkville CUSD 115, YEF serves as an essential resource connecting students, teachers, and the community. At YEF, we ensure:
students have innovative and creative “real-world” learning opportunities available to them; and
teachers have an opportunity to implement programs that are engaging, meaningful classroom experiences for students.
Make an Impact. Fund the Future.
Here are a few of the ways donors have partnered with YEF to help fund programs and resources for Yorkville CUSD 115 students:
Providing startup funds for entrepreneurial projects, such as the Foxes Café, a student-run business that sells coffee and treats at Yorkville Middle School
Offering SAT preparation courses and summer school scholarships to lighten the financial burden on Yorkville High School students and their families
Funding home book sets for more than 200 early childhood students to inspire and grow the young readers
Ensuring that every student has access to the fine arts, through unique opportunities such as an artist-in-residence program and hands-on collaboration with a music composer
Sponsorship Deliverables
Great for new businesses and individual giving! Supporter benefits include:
Sponsorship of 1 YEF events with company name and logo included signage
1 social media mention by YEF
Company name and logo displayed on Foundation website
Name & Logo on 1 event program
Perfect for small businesses and alumni gifts! Receive all benefits of Supporter level plus:
Podium acknowledgement at one YEF events
Graphic to use on your website
Logo and Tag on Social Media Mention
Recognition at Y115 Community Event
2 Invitations to "Fostering our Future"
Great for district businesses & group gifts! Receive benefits of Champion & Supporter tiers plus:
Name & Logo on one event banner
Link to your business through Foundation's website
Logo & Name in one quarterly newsletter.
2 additional invitations to Fostering our Future
Perfect for corporate leaders & legacy gifts! Receive all benefits of Supporter, Champion & Hero tiers plus:
Primary sponsor listing for YEF marketing materials
Sponsorship recognition at a Yorkville CUSD 115 Board of Education meeting
Exclusive e-blast through Yorkville Chamber of Commerce
Recognition at "Fostering our Future" recognition event
Six invitations to attend "Fostering our Future"
“You can help make these and other important initiatives possible. Please consider the difference you are making, the experiences you are helping to create, and the lives that are forever changed by your generosity.”